
A small bootable Linux distro can be very usefull when you have a brand new computer without operating system or when your hard disk went wrong. GrafPup is a small bootable linux with size of about 75MB that make it ideal for placing it on mini CD and use it whenever needed (no installation is required as this is a Live CD, but you can copy the content on hard disk during the start up and have it work from there).

The GrafPup has all the necessary programs you need, working video and audio codecs, plus all the linux console stuff. Have intuitive desktop items and allows users to get used to it very fast.

Several thing should be specified (typed in) during start up of the LiveCD
As a minus appears that there is no USB keyboard and mouse support,so it wont work on a laptop (but you should try anyway, on a virtual machine maybe)

Althou the development is discontinued, you can have it from here or even better - get the PUPPY Linux an up to date distribution on which Graf Pup is based on.


Peter D said...

Thanks for the link!